Please note: all times are given in UTC+2 time zone, which corresponds to Paris, Frankfurt time zone. For eastern North America, subtract 6 hours. For Beijing, add 6 hours!
June 15, 2022
14:00-17:15. Doctoral symposium
- 14:00-15:00. Invited talk – Tom Mens. Practical advice on Principles, Promises and Pitfalls to become a successful PhD student
- 15:00-15:30. Doctoral symposium presentations
- Pooya Rostami Mazrae. Empirical Analysis of the GitHub Actions Ecosystem
- 15:30-15:45. Pause
- 15:45-17:15. Doctoral symposium presentations
- Monica Buitrago. Studying the Impact of Security Patterns on Software Architecture Design through CWE Weaknesses Analysis and Reverse Engineering Case Study
- Guy Rostan Djounang Nana. Towards the Automatic Identification of Optimal Configurations of CI/CD Pipelines of Software Development Projects: Symbolic, Meta-heuristic and Statistical Approaches
- Selena Lamari. A Process for Assisting Privacy-by-Design Software Engineering
- Natarajan Chidambaram. Predicting the Impact of Using Bots in Collaborative Software Development
14:00-19:25. Tutorials
- 14:00-15:30. Tutorial T1 – Anthony Peruma (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA) : A Primer on High-Quality Identifier Naming
- 14:00-15:30. Tutorial T2 – Eman Abdullah AlOmar (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) : Extract Method Refactoring: Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Applications
- 15:30-15:45. Pause
- 15:45-17:15. Tutorial T1 (Continued) – Anthony Peruma (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA) : A Primer on High-Quality Identifier Naming
- 15:45-17:15. Tutorial T2 (Continued) – Eman Abdullah AlOmar (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA) : Extract Method Refactoring: Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Applications
- 17:15-17:25. Pause
- 17:25-19:25. Tutorial T3 – Anthony Peruma (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA) : Test Anti-Patterns: From Definition to Detection
- 17:25-19:25. Tutorial T4 – Stan Zajdel (Independence Health Group, USA) : Open Source Software: An Approach to Controlling Usage and Risk in Application Ecosystems
17:15-17:25. Pause
17h25-19h25. Industrial Panel and Tool Demos
- 17:25-18:25. Industrial Panel
- Reuse practices in the software industry: yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Moderator: Tewfik Ziadi (Mobioos, France)
- Participants : Thomas Fogdal (Danfos Drives), Cédric Teyton (Promyze), Slawomir Duszynski (Bosch)
- Reuse practices in the software industry: yesterday, today and tomorrow
- 18:25-19:25. Tool demos
- 18:25-18:45. Olivier Le Goaër (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France). Reusing Design Knowledge to Improve Energy Efficiency of Android apps: now there’s a tool for developers
- 18:45-19:05. Karim Ghallab (RedFabriQ-Mobioos, France) & Tewfik Ziadi (LIP6, Sorbonne Université, France). Implementing Software Product Lines with Mobioos Forge
- 19h05-19h25. Bachar Rima (LIRMM & Berger-Levrault, France). SoftScanner : A semi-automatic tracing & testing ecosystem
June 16, 2022
14:00-14:15. Main conference Opening
14:15-15:15. Code Recommendation and Reuse
- 14:15-14:45. Jessie Galasso, Houari Sahraoui and Michalis. Famelis: Fine-grained Analysis of Similar Code Snippets
- 14:45-15h:15. Oleksandr Zaitsev, Stéphane Ducasse, Nicolas Anquetil and Arnaud Thiefaine. DepMiner: Automatic Recommendation of Transformation Rules for Method Deprecation
15:15-16:15. Keynote. Professor William B Frakes. Software Reuse and Domain Engineering – Industry Impact and Future
16:15-16:30. Pause
16:30-17:15. Most influential paper. Martin Griss. The Reuse Rabbi Reflects
The speaker, Martin Griss, widely known as HP’s “Reuse Rabbi,” reflects on the developments and experiences that shaped his work on reuse. The maturation and convergence of several technologies and methods in reuse, architecture, modeling, process and domain engineering yielded the influential 1998 ICSR paper “Martin Griss, John Favaro, M. D’Alessandro. Integrating feature modeling with the RSEB”, published in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse.
17:15-18:15. Learning and Reuse
- 17:15-17:45. Xhevahire Tërnava, Mathieu Acher, Luc Lesoil, Arnaud Blouin and Jean-Marc Jézéquel. Scratching the Surface of ./configure: Learning the Effects of Compile-Time Options on Binary Size and Gadgets
- 17:45- 18:15. Daniel-Jesus Munoz, Jeho Oh, Mónica Pinto, Lidia Fuentes and Don Batory. Nemo: A Tool to Transform Feature Models with Numerical Features and Arithmetic Constraints
18:15-19:00. Panel. Software reuse – are we there yet?
- Moderator: Hafedh Mili (UQAM, Montreal, Canada)
- Panelists: John Favaro (Trust-IT, Italy); Stan Zajdel (Independence Blue Cross, Philadelphia, USA) ; others, to be confirmed
June 17, 2022
14:00-14:50. Evolution and Reuse
- 14:00-14:20. Kevin Feichtinger, Kristof Meixner, Stefan Biffl and Rick Rabiser. Evolution Support for Custom Variability Artifacts using Feature Models: A Study in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Domain
- 14:20-14:50. Ilyas Saïd Makari, Ahmed Zerouali and Coen De Roover. Prevalence and Evolution of License Violations in npm and RubyGems Dependency Networks
14:50-15:50. Keynote. Professor Ying (Jenny) Zou. Intelligent Management of Code Clones
15:50-16:00. Best Paper Award
16:00-16:15. Pause
16:15-17:00 : Panel. Security of the Reuse Supply Chain
- Moderator: Tegawendé Bissyandé (University of Luxembourg)
- Panelists: Jacques Klein (University of Luxembourg) ; Antonino Sabetta (SAP, Sophia-Antipolis, France) and others (to be confirmed)
17:00-18:20 : Quality, Longevity and Reuse
- 17:00-17:20. Pierre Misse-Chanabier, Guillermo Polito, Stéphane Ducasse, Noury Bouraqadi, Luc Fabresse and Pablo Tesone. Differential Testing of Simulation-Based Virtual Machine Generators: Automatic Detection of Virtual Machine Generator Semantic Gaps Between Simulation and Generated Virtual Machines
- 17:20-17:50. Zhipeng Xue, Zhijie Jiang, Chenlin Huang, Rulin Xu, Xiangbing Huang and Liumin Hu. SEED: Semantic Graph Based Deep Detection for Type-4 Clone
- 17:50-18:20. Craig Goodwin and Sandra Woolley. Barriers to Device Longevity and Reuse: An Analysis of Application Download, Installation and Functionality on a Vintage Device
18:20-19:05 : Panel. Green computing and Reuse
- Moderator: Anne Laurent (Professor, University of Montpellier)
- Panelists: Abram Hindle (Associate Professor, University of Alberta, USA), Mathias Paulin (CTO, PriceComparator), Benoit Petit (Founder, Hubblo), Fabien Michel (Associate Professor, University of Montpellier)
19:05-19:15 : Closing